Opening ALLNET Saarlouis Office
The new branch in Saarlouis was opened in October. The sales team there is now available as a local contact in the heart of Saarlouis and welcomes customers with a friendly ‘Gunn Dach’.
2024Opening ALLNET France
The new ALLNET France branch was opened in Carcassonne in autumn 2023. The ALLNET France team manages sales, marketing and support for France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg from there.
2023Foundation of new branch office in Wunsiedel
A new ALLNET base is being built in the region in Wunsiedel. From there, initially another ALLNET logistics centre is to be built and ultimately a training and seminar centre. In addition, a café where it will be possible to pay with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is to be opened.
2021New ALLNET building project
At the beginning of 2020 we are starting the new construction of the second ALLNET branch in Germering.
2020Foundation of ALLNET Austria Office in Vienna
Besides the headquarters in Villach, ALLNET Austria now has a new office in Vienna.
2019Foundation of ALLNET USA
In alliance with ALLNET GmbH, ALLNET USA is currently the exclusive distributor for ALLNET brand products. This partnership is another important step to make our ALLNET brand available around the globe.
2019ALLe machen MINT
Start of the ALLNET STEM initiative for more school practice.
2018Foundation of ALLCYCLE
ALLNET launches an own regional container service.
2017Foundation of ALLNET.Swiss
ALLNET expands to Switzerland with the foundation of ALLNET.Swiss.
2016Development of our education system
ALLNET develops its own electronic learning system Brick´R´knowledge to support the knowledge transfer in schools and continuing education places.
2015Company´s kindergarten
The kindergarten "ALLNEST" started running in the summer of 2014. The kindergarten is not only accessible to ALLNET staff but also to the citizens of Germering.
2014 SummerNew production center
In spring 2014 the production center in Berekfürdő, Hungary opened.
2014 SpringALLNET Asia
In summer 2013 ALLNET founded a new branch office in Taiwan called ALLNET Asia. ALLNET Asia staff is also responsible for the product development and purchasing.
2013 SummerExtension of office building
The extension of our office building in Germering finished in spring 2013 and offers modern rooms and offices for the next years at ALLNET.
2013 SpringBranch office in China
ALLNET opened a new branch office for sales and purchasing in China which enables us to deliver faster and more flexible while having a growing product assortment.
2011Foundation of training center
In the same year, the trainings center 802.lab changed house into the modern training rooms in Allershausen. Since the warehouse is just around the corner, it's possible to buy the products directly after the training lessons.
2009 SummerALLNET´s LED brand
By founding Synergy21, ALLNET was able to provide the growing LED market with the latest lighting technology. Synergy21 does not only develop cost-saving LEDs but also controllers.
2009 SpringNew warehouse
ALLNET bought a 16.000qm large logistics center in the north of Munich and is centrally located at a conveniently located position. This step helped ALLNET to create excellent logistics fort future growing and extension of the product range.
2008 SummerFoundation of ALLNET.ISTANBUL
One year later ALLNET Istanbul was founded in Turkey.
2008 SpringFoundation of ALLNET.FRANCE
The expansion continues: ALLNET.FRANCE was founded to supply the booming French market.
2007Foundation of ALLNET Spain
In 2004, another branch office for Spain and Portugal was opened with ALLNET Spain. In the meantime, ALLNET has recognized the potential of VoIP and UC solutions and has already massively expanded the TC area ahead of time. With the ICT Solution Days, the specialized trade partners were already supported with practical and available solutions before the still continuing boom.
2004New subsidies in Hungary and Romania
ALLNET founded two new subsidies in Hungary and Romania that are still producing ALLNET products and ensure a continuous and extremely flexible delivery.
2002Foundation of ALLNET.ITALIA
ALLNET founded its most successful subsidiary worldwide: ALLNET.ITALIA which is located in Bologna, Italy.
2000Trade fairs
ALLNET exhibited for the first time at the trade fair “Systems” in Munich and at “CeBIT” in Hanover. Due to the expansion of business fields, ALLNET is now present at a lot of German trade fairs such as “Light and Building”, “Security” and “Heim und Handwerk”.
2000New headquaters
ALLNET moved house due to the increasing manpower: ALLNET´s new headquarters are Maistraße 2 in Germering.
1997Foundation of ALLNET Taiwan
The first foreign branch was being founded in Taiwan. This led to excellent quality because of important and long-time contacts to hardware manufacturers. Within the next 20 years ALLNET's assortment was growing massively. Today powerline, PoE, networking, video surveillance and home automation are the main focus of ALLNET brand products.
1993Foundation of ALLDIS
One year later the subsidiary company ALLDIS was being founded and is still distributing IT and PC components and CE products until today. Furthermore, ALLDIS offers configurable and energy saving PC complete systems under the trademark of flepo.
ALLNET GmbH was founded in 1991 in Germering near Munich. In the beginning the main focus was on the distribution of networking cards, switches as well as on own networking software products. Our founder and CEO Wolfgang Marcus Bauer was laying the foundation for the ALLNET product assortment -which consisted of a few hundred products already- with its innovative and visionary ideas and his important contacts to Asia. Shortly after the foundation ALLNET branded products were being added to the portfolio to fulfill the requirements of the market in a better way and even more importantly, faster. As time goes by more distribution partners were being added and therefore ALLNET´s distribution assortment was growing rapidly.